Sunday, October 28, 2012

Brussels Sprouts with Toasted Breadcrumbs and Lemon

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My nephew Ricky has it in his head that he should like Brussels sprouts, but unfortunately he has only been exposed to mushy, overcooked sprouts so far, definitely not something any adult, much less a nine-year old, would enjoy!  So, I am determined to give him the opportunity to try some tastier versions.  He wasn't sure he liked these, but he finished his plate, a sign to me that we were making progress.  :)

3 c. Brussels sprouts, halved
1 small garlic clove, minced
2 T. butter
1 T. lemon juice
Pinch of lemon zest
1/4 c. breadcrumbs, toasted
salt & pepper, to taste

Peel off any marked outer leaves of the sprouts and trim the bottoms; slice in half.  Boil for 3-4 minutes.  Drain and plunge into a bowl of ice water; this will stop the cooking and maintain the sprouts' vibrant color.

To toast the breadcrumbs, place in a dry skillet over medium-low heat.  Cook for 2-3 minutes, while giving the pan handle a few shakes to toast the breadcrumbs evenly.  Once they begin to turn golden, remove them from the heat and place in a bowl, as the heat from the pan will continue to toast them.

Meanwhile, in a skillet over medium heat, saute the garlic in the butter.  Once the butter begins to bubble up and the garlic starts to jump a little, add the sprouts.  Cook about 5 minutes, turning occasionally, until brown spots start to appear on the sprouts.  Add the lemon juice, lemon zest, salt and pepper.  Add the toasted breadcrumbs into the skillet and toss gently.  Add more breadcrumbs on top before serving; sprinkle with lemon zest if desired.

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